Property investment and advice
We have an extensive network in the area of property investment, which enables us to link up with the right parties – including property and retail owners and wealthy investors. We’re also a useful partner when it comes to advising people on reclassifying their real estate. In short, we’re a partner with expert knowledge of Zuid-Kennermerland and Greater Amsterdam, as well as genuine entrepreneurs with a thorough understanding of the market.
You’re looking for an investment project
When it comes to investing in retail properties, you want to:
- Identify and take advantage of opportunities
- Know the present and future value of a property
- Receive honest, transparent advice about it
Our advisors are certified TMI valuators. They know exactly what the value of an investment property or portfolio is. In short, they’re professional discussion and sparring partners. For both existing and new portfolios.
You’re looking for an investor
You own a property and are looking for capital. Or as a retail owner you have your eye on a property. We have a large network of wealthy investors who are interested in investing in real estate. Not only can we help you to find the right match, but we can also guide you through the entire legal process. And help you to finalize it.
Real estate advisors
Perhaps you’re looking for more than a buyer, renter, investor or investment. For example, you may want to re-examine your current housing situation. We have the data and knowledge that puts us in a perfect position to advise you on:
- Relocation issues
- Redevelopment
- Reclassification
- Rent review
- Rental agreement review and negotiations
In addition we keep a close eye on real estate news. If, like us, you’re interested in staying informed then follow us on LinkedIn.
View the current listings of business premises here.
Curious about what we can do for you and your company? Feel free to call:

- Contact via Whatsapp
- Mail Gerard Vleut